Byline: T-Mobile
Wi-Fi users are demanding access to information on the move in an increasing variety of locations according to research from T-Mobile and YouGov released today.
When asked where they would like more public Wi-Fi HotSpots, more than half of respondents said that they want to be able to access Wi-Fi services on trains, with 37% calling for access at shopping centres. Nearly a third of respondents would like Wi-Fi access in parks, whilst over a quarter want access on the tube. Meanwhile, 13% of respondents would also like to be able to surf the net whilst soaking up the sun at the beach.
Hotels are the most popular choice of location for accessing Wi-Fi services, with 42% of respondents connecting here. Cafes, such as Starbucks, were the second most popular with 32% and airports third with 29%.
The research also demonstrates that the uptake of Wi-Fi services has increased significantly over the last year, with people also using the service to stay on top of their personal lives in addition to business. 45% of users surveyed started using the service within the last 12 months, whilst a further 45% stated that they use the service to keep in touch with friends and family whilst on the move. As a result, 30% of respondents have benefited from an improved work/life balance.
You Never Know When You'll Need Wi-Fi Respondents also revealed a number of business situations where they've needed urgent Wi-Fi access. The Top 10 reasons given include:
1. "As a campaign organiser during last year's general election, we needed to get electoral information to party HQ on an urgent basis." 2. "Finalising details on a tender document just before boarding an aeroplane. The tender was worth several million pounds." 3. "Getting hold of an order detail from an email, to resolve a customer problem on the spot and retain a big contract." 4. "I have had to send documents urgently to the office in regards to a potential customer, so that we can gain their business." 5. "I needed to find out whether my book was going to be published or not!" 6. "Test my products while on the road." 7. "To contact the company who manufactured my sound system when a component failed at a festival." 8. "Urgent request for a proposal that I was able to read and then reply to with a [completed] proposal." 9. "Whilst staying in a hotel overseas on business, I was hooked into the Wi-Fi service and VPN'd into our office systems, including our telephone system. The telephone rang - a business critical support issue from a client. I was able to resolve it using remote access. This all happened at 4am local time." 10. "Checking which airport my flight left from - turned out I was heading to Gatwick when I should have been heading to Heathrow, but luckily I found the information in time and made it to my flight!"
Derek Williamson, Head of Business Marketing, T-Mobile UK says, "The business case for access to email, the internet and company documents on the move has long been established and it is always encouraging to see organisations reaping the rewards of mobile broadband services such as Wi-Fi HotSpots. But the research also clearly shows that such services need not be solely the domain of business. There is clear demand for personal use, there are clear examples of where people want to access such services, and here at T-Mobile we will continue to look at addressing these demands."
The ability to access information on demand was seen as the biggest benefit by 79% of respondents. Half stated Wi-Fi services had enabled effective use of deadtime, and 45% stated that Wi-Fi access enabled them to respond to clients more quickly. Keeping in contact with staff via Wi-Fi had proved particularly useful for 39% of respondents and 17% said it gives them a competitive edge. A further 14% felt that Wi-Fi services helped them to take advantage of new business opportunities.
Other key findings from the research include: * Users spend on average more than 2 hours signed in to a Wi-Fi session * 85% of respondents would be willing to use a Wi-Fi network installed and supported by a major network operator, whilst only 34% would be willing to use an independent Wi-Fi network. * Accessing Wi-Fi services via a laptop was the most popular method with 86% of respondents connecting in this way. 19% also accessed Wi-Fi services via a PDA.
The research was commissioned by T-Mobile UK and undertaken by YouGov PLC. It was based on a study of 253 Wi-Fi users in the UK. The research was carried out online between 16th - 23rd August 2006.
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