среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

SA: Red tape to be slashed for small clubs in SA

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Red tape to be slashed for small clubs in SA

Government red tape clogging up the operations of smaller sporting clubs .. professional
associations .. and ethnic and cultural clubs in South Australia is to be slashed.

Attorney-General MICHAEL ATKINSON says clubs and other groups that take in less than
500 thousand dollars each year .. will no longer be identified as prescribed associations.

That means they won't have to abide by strict financial reporting conditions.

Previously the threshold was just 200 thousand .. a level that's been unchanged since 1993.

Mr ATKINSON says the change will lift the financial and bureaucratic burden from hundreds
of small clubs and organisations .. which form the backbone of local communities.

AAP RTV tjd/af/bart


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